Friday, January 29, 2010

surrogate lives

interestingly my first ever blog post is not about my life. its not about stuff happening in my life anyway.
sometimes it so happens that events in your lives seem to take a break. its when you find yourself saying "same old, same old" to someones "whats happening?". it isn't because your life is boring or "not happening" its simply a time to sit back and observe. maybe a time to prepare your self for the hurricane of socio-political debris. and that is why you find your self keeping busy with the lives or the others around you, because lets face it, we need something to do. cheap thrills, philosophical guidance, sadistic pleasures, office politics, blogging ;) are all the things one does when subconscious restlessness takes over.
you are actually living a part of someone else's life, or you a a living part of it. either way you make it your business. now anyone who thinks "what a loser!!" need to realise that "lessons of life" mostly come out of these "jobless" pursuits. for example i dont know what anyone is going to take out if this blog. i don't know what they might gain or what they might waste..their time or my effort. but its just because maybe right now, i'm preparing for i can see coming for me soon enough, through others experiences, by making myself an active part of their process. makes me sort of a scavenger but then hey, which one of isnt at some point or the other... so the next time you think theres a lull or that you are jobless or theres nothing much going on with you, maybe you need to start accumulating for the grey patch ahead.


  1. raunaq, very interesting! a first blog is always really a result of lot of contemplation, you know like a first impression to make usually. your blog reminds me of what i overheard someone say one afternoon. "do you think we are avataars and someone else is just letting us live the boring bits of their lives?"
    keep writing and welcome to the world of push button publishing :)

  2. welsome to the beautiful world of blogging... its not about who reads it or what happens to it.. its your world.. paint the pallette in your own beautiful way :)
